We were delighted to welcome the team from BBC TV's hit documentary series 'Inside the Factory' to British Christmas Jumpers HQ!
In this 2016 Christmas special, Gregg Wallace, Cherry Healey and Ruth Goodman explore the fascinating factory processes and surprising history behind favourite festive treats.
Our UK made jumpers were featured alongside the Mr Kipling mince pie factory, a tinsel factory and a wrapping paper factory.

For us, it was a busy day of designing, knitting, sewing, and packing (as usual) although it is hardly every day we get to experience a film crew following us around! The wonderfully talented crew spent their time here chatting with our knitters and seamstresses that spend their days putting together our beautiful jumpers.
On the show, you see the entire process as they follow our jumpers through the factory. To start things off Cherry Healey, the presenter, sat down with our designer, Cheryl, to discover how a sketch is turned into a 3D model on our design system. This then progressed on to speaking with our directors, technicians and seamstresses to understand how our jumpers come together.
From an industry that has seen most of its production transfer abroad it was refreshing to see some focus drawn back to the UK and having this covered by the BBC was a great honour.
absolutely loved these designs, still wacky, still colourful but SOMEHOW yes SOMEHOw totally wearable! Where are they sold?
Where do we but these jumpers
Where do we but these jumpers
Just watched the program on tv. How absolutely brilliant that you are making these jumpers in the UK. Love your designs 🇬🇧
Hi there I saw you all on Tv looked fantastic, I have a deign of my own Christmas jumper is this something you do ?